This was a fun week. I like cats, especially orange tabbies. This week involved a lot of sketching prior to the painting. I had to remember what cat legs look like and I had to practice to get their bodies the way I wanted. As a result, I have 2 pages packed full of cat sketches..... it might make a nice painting some day.
This week I also attended an art show that I had entered 2 paintings in. There were awards given for best in show, then first, second and third place. As I looked over all the art (150 pieces), I found myself wondering about the choices that were made. The paintings that received awards were beautiful and well done, but there were other paintings that I thought were also well done, and I liked better. As I looked at the paintings I would have chosen, I realized that they had similarities..... lots of colour, bright colours, and they were impressionistic rather than painted exactly from life. Obviously, that is the style that appeals to me. The jurors had done an excellent job because their choices covered a variety of styles and subjects.
The art world is new territory for me. What I learned from the experience of being in an art show is that art is subjective. I knew this before, but it is sinking in more and more. I am reminded to paint because I love to paint, not to win awards or fit into a mould, but just for the joy I feel