Struggling with what to start week 12 with. I'm thinking of working on eyes... just because it is challenging. I think I'm having problems coming up with ideas because my mind is focused on the painting I am working on right now and I want to only work on it.
I learned a good lesson this past week which is that I am not the kind of artist that can work on 2 or more paintings at the same time. I tried this because I had 2 ideas. What happens is that I seem to be unable to split my focus. I couldn't start painting the one that I had sketched out because I kept thinking about the other canvas that I had covered with black gesso but had an unsuccessful sketch on it.
I'm also finding that this time of year is a difficult time to paint for me. There is still a lot of snow on the ground which is melting and then freezing overnight. This makes walking on the trails a bit treacherous. I'm missing my snowshoeing and getting in touch with nature. Looking forward to seeing some flowers.